Aurora Museum
Two invisible jewellery glass display cases in Tadao Ando’s jewellery box of the Aurora Museum.
viewFor the first time the 16-part ensemble of these precious originals is presented inside a round, free standing HAHN safety display case in the permanent exhibition, which is inspiring to many visitors now. Extra strong, rounded, low-reflection coated glass, extensive alarm technology, and fiber-optic lighting with swing and focusable spots from above and from below, sunk into a light ditch, are convincing. Project name and address: Dauerausstellung Wikingergoldschatz, Kulturhistorisches Museum, Mönchstraße 25-27, 18439 Stralsund.
03.2015 - 10.2015
Roman Kuch Ι Christoph Zygula
Stadterneuerungsgesellschaft Stralsund mbH