Display cases.
Priceless cultural world heritage is presented and safeguarded in hahn display cases.
The need for museum display cases is a consequence of a museum’s mission to preserve its collection for posterity and to make its collection accessible to the public. The presentation of the collection conflicts with the task of conservation, which is the main reason for the use of museum display cases.
Glasbau Hahn offers the experience of about 200 years of glass engineering and 100 years of solutions for the presentation, security and conservation of physical world cultural heritage in museums, archives, libraries and private collections worldwide.
Glasbau Hahn advises you on preventive conservation, security, lighting and presentation and support you in defining the right solution for your specific needs providing high-quality, fully functioning, aesthetically integrating, sustainable and durable solutions for your collection. You can choose between display case models, custom-made products or the renovation of our long-lasting museum display cases.

Tasks of display cases.
Museum display cases have many different tasks, which can be divided into three main topics. >>

Display case types.
The showcases can be categorised typologically according to different criteria. >>

Display case technology.
Museum display cases offer accessible safe and gas-tight spaces for the fulfilment of two central tasks: Conservation and security. >>

Display case configuration.
Each display case type can be built in different configurations with different performance levels. >>